
Faculty Address:
59, ul. Krasnodarskaya, Moscow

Phone: (495) 358-3009















Professional training is provided at the Faculty by four Departments:
Department of Pedagogy and Foreign Languages
Department of Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication
Department of Theory and Practice of Translation
Department of Theory and Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages

The professional training of the faculty is based on the concept of education in the sphere of humanities of SMSUH. This concept makes it possible for the university to train a competitive specialist who can work in the changing conditions of the intellectual labour market.
The important issue of professional training is practical training (during the 8th semester) as well as theoretical one. Practical training is organized on the basis of public institutions, banks, companies, translation agencies, joint enterprises etc. As a rule the students that prove to be good at practical training are provided with permanent work. Students who learn Chinese undergo internship in China.
Students can visit the countries of the target language within language traineeships and tourist trips throughout the academic year. A number of special courses are given by English language university professors.
- All this creates the atmosphere of faculty, which contribute to achieving the ultimate goal: to build confidence in themselves and their knowledge of the expert – Graduate of The Faculty of Foreign Languages and International Communication MGGU.

The Dean K. Larissa Sviridova about the department:"There are a lot of the universities and faculties of foreign languages in Moscow, and what is the uniqueness of our faculty? I believe that it is, above all, close-knit and friendly team of teachers, which ensures the effectiveness of the educational process. As for the features of the learning process, I would point out the following: in the direction of Linguistics - the presence of objective component in professional training, for example, bachelor-translators receive our knowledge on the basics of related disciplines: international relations, jurisprudence , management, international tourism, the economy. This certainly increases their competitiveness; towards Tourism - the ability to get over the same period of training to get the diploma of Bachelor of Linguistics, profile of translator of two foreign languages; in the direction of Pedagogy - the possibility is in his second year working as a teacher of English in different linguistic centers or language courses.
