
Faculty Address: 9, Ryazanskiy avenue, Moscow

How to get there: Metro station Marksistskaya, trolleybus number 63, 16, to the station «Karacharovo»

- from Kursky railway station to the stop Karacharovo, 2 minutes on foot




Faculty realizes training of the following Bachelor’s Degree Program directions:
230700 Applied Information Science, specialization - Applied Information Science in Economics
050100  Pedagogical education, specialization – Mathematical education
050100  Pedagogical education, specialization –Information Technology and Information and Communication Technologies in Education
220400  Management in the engineering systems, specialization - Information Technologies in Management
220200  Automatization and managment

Faculty realizes training of the following Master’s Degree Program directions:
222000  Innovation studies
221400  Quality management
050100  Pedagogical education

Faculty realizes training of the following postgraduate education directions:
13.00.02  Theory and methods of education (mathematics)
13.00.02  Theory and methods of education (information technologies)
13.00.02  Theory and methods of education (physics)
01.01.01  Substantial, complex and functional analysis
05.13.06  Automatization and management of production processes and productions work (in education)

Faculty realizes training of the following further vocational education directions:
Theory and teaching methodology of information technologies
Theory and teaching methodology of mathematics
Address of the Faculty: 9, Ryazansky Prospect, Moscow
