

The academic talk and seminar "Deleuze and Russian cinema"

The academic talk and seminar, delivered by Dr. Sergey Toimentsev, is to be held as part of the international scientific program of Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS).

The seminar "Turkic corpus linguistics and computer lexicography"

The academic talk and seminar, delivered by PhD in Philology, Associate Professor in Crimean-Tatar Linguistics SELENDILI LEMARA, is to be held as part of the international scientific program of Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS).

July 3, 2015 at 14.00 pm
Venue: Sholokhov University, Moscow,
31, Comintern St, Moscow region, Pushkin district, "Zavety Ilyicha" village

Turkic corpus linguistics and computer lexicography

Seminar "Literary Education in the 21st Century"

The academic talk and seminar, delivered by Doctor of Philology, Professor in the XX century Russian Literature B.A. Lanin, is held as part of the international scientific program of Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS).

Seminar by prof. Radina N.K.

June 4, at 14:00 the academic talk and seminar delivered by prof. Radina N.K is to be held as part of the international scientific programme of Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS) Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities



In 2010 experts from Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities developed and implemented an educational program for the first All-Caucasian youth camp "Mashuk-2010".

The forum was held from 8 to 27 August near Pyatigorsk on the slope of Mashuk Mountain and joined more than 2,000 talented, enterprising and active young people from all regions of the North Caucasus Federal District, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Participants of the camp gained priceless experience in various fields of modern innovation and project activities aimed at effective communication and harmonious cooperation. The educational program was prepared for the camp by the Federal Coordination Center and it included three areas:

«International cooperation», helps in forming the skills of practical application of the rules and principles of effective interaction with representatives of other cultural groups.
«Project Management», built on the basis of the course "Design Projects", the most popular educational program of the  National Youth Forum "Seliger 2009".
«Effective Communication», created to improve the listeners communicative competence.

The program of the forum also included VIP-lectures, training sessions, discussion clubs and round tables.

Participants of the camp had the opportunity to meet and talk with Alexander Khloponin, Valery Gaevski, Boris Ebzeyev, Maxim Shevchenko, the Archbishop of Stavropol and Vladikavkaz Feofan, Gregory Ivliev, Nikolai Rastorguev and others. In addition, the participants could attend evening discussion clubs and round tables devoted to such subjects as: "Youth subcultures help to develop the personality of a young man",  "Careers and Marriage," "The State for us or we are for the state",  etc.

In addition to this, the first All-Caucasian youth camp gave listeners a unique opportunity to realize their ideas, to participate in the project competition and get a high expert evaluation of the All-Russian Fund "National Prospects", which allows them to pretend for further support of the project and getting a grant.