С 10 по 18 августа 2013 года в Москве на стадионе Лужники пройдёт Чемпионат мира по лёгкой атлетике. Это уникальное по масштабу событие привлечёт внимание миллиардов людей, и лишь немногие смогут в режиме реального времени наблюдать за звёздами мирового спорта, среди которых можешь оказаться и ты!
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+ 7 (499) 181 83 64
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| Заместитель директора Мольков Федор |
Главный специалист Рябота Мария | |
Специалисты волонтерского центра | |
Наш адрес: г.Москва, ул. Рязанский проспект дом 9, кабинет № 118 Наш телефон: +7 (499) 171 2370 Наша почта: volonter_mggu@mail.ru Режим работы: с 9.30 до 19.00 Мы в VKONTAKTE Мы в FACEBOOK Мы в TWITTER
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от Курского вокзала |
от.ст.метроТаганская(кольцевая)/Марксистская от.ст метро Рязанский проспект |
Since May 14, 2011 Volunteer center for training trainers and volunteers for Olympic and Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi has been opened in SMSUH.
One of the priority directions noted in the Strategy of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation confirmed with the order of Russian Government on December, 18th, 2006 № 1760-r, is the project «Volunteer of Russia» which is addressed youth at the age from 14 till 25. This project is aimed at system involving of youth to various social projects, including spheres of mass youth sports, tourism and leisure of youth and development of skills of independent ability to live through the organization voluntary activity.
The organization of Paralympic volunteer activity of youth is capable to solve a staff deficit problem in the sphere of realization of social and educational policy, to strengthen personnel potential. At the same time volunteer movement strengthens economic efficiency of social policy, raises quality of life of youth, develops initiative and responsibility, increases the level of tolerance, develops public spirit.
The aims of the Center:
• Popularization of volunteer activity as social phenomenon in the Russian Federation, attraction of youth to display of the volunteer initiative in the decision of social problems of the society.
• Forming and approbation of mechanisms of involving of young men in volunteer activity.
• Development and support of the youth initiatives directed on the organization voluntary work of youth.
Forming of personal values and social responsibility in young men.
• Creation of effective models of management of volunteer youth activity.
• Increase of efficiency and quality of initiated youth voluntary projects.
• Distribution of effective experience of volunteer activity.
• Creation and approbation of new educational methods of training of volunteers in the Russian Federation.
• Creation and approbation of educational programs of training of volunteers for participation in carrying out of sports event.
The center 's mission:
Organization experience of voluntary movements which SMSUH allows within the limits of the prim
ary activity in large number to train necessary personnel for realization «the Single program for the Olympic education
and professional training for Games of Sochi 2014», during the appointed period to train the staff of trainer who have pro
fessional and personal competences. Those trainers, who are capable to secure the level of service of extra class and to show the face of new Russia.
Paralympic voluntary center will be the methodical center for training the trainers whose activity will be directed on training of volunteers how to interact with persons with physical inability: tolerant relation to people with physical inability, knowledge of ethical requirements and rules of work with people with physical inability; principles of work with people with physical inability.
The newsletter "Sochi-2014" (issue №10)